所在院系:伟德bv国际体育 电能转换与节能技术研究所
研究方向(Focus Area):
Ø电能转换与高效利用(Electrical Energy Conversion and High-Efficient Utilization)
Ø新能源电力系统分析与控制(Analysis and Control of New Energy Power System)
赵海森,男,1982年生。博士,教授,IEEE Senior Member,IET Fellow,中国电机工程学会会员,中国电工技术学会高级会员,全国旋转电机标准化技术委员会委员。2011年6月于伟德bv国际体育电机与电器专业获得工学博士学位。主要研究方向为电能转换与高效利用、新能源电力系统分析与控制。
3. 学生获得荣誉
[1] 国家自然科学基金面上项目,变频供电感应电机多谐波耦合激振机理及非常规振动特性研究,2022-2025,58万
[2] 企业委托,近海采油平台岸基供电关键技术研究,2021-2023,105.6万
[3] 企业委托,提高电动汽车无线充电系统抗偏移能力的关键技术研究,2021-2022,141.3万
[4] 企业委托,抽油机标准装置测试能力提升研究,2021-2022,89.7万
[5] 企业委托,基于声振耦合控制的干式配电变压器噪声治理研究,2020-2021,104万
[6] 企业委托,基于最优耦合方法的电动汽车无线充电系统效率稳定性提升技术及装置研发,2020-2021,103万
[7] 企业委托,用于提升高渗透率新能源电网稳定性的MGP系统,2019-2021,211万
[8] 企业委托,电动汽车无线充电用高效低损磁耦合器设计及研制,2019-2022,80万
[9] 企业委托,循环水泵电机双速改造后转子易断条的技术分析及应对措施,2018-2019,87万
[10] 企业委托,抽油机节能产品测试评价装置升级改造,2017-2018,82万
[1] 新疆维吾尔族自治区政府,变频调速拖动系统节能评价技术研究与应用,2019年度新疆自治区科技进步二等奖,个人排名3/9
[2] 内蒙古自治区电力行业协会,热力站变频电动机系统运行状态远程监测及能耗测试研究,内蒙古自治区电力行业职工技术成果一等奖,个人排名2/6
[1] Haisen Zhao, Kun Liu, Song Li, Fuyao Yang, Shaoyu Cheng, Hassan H. Eldeeb, Jinping Kang, Guorui Xu, "Shielding optimization of IPT system based on genetic algorithm for efficiency promotion in EV wireless charging applications," IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications, 2022, 58(1): 1190-1200 (SCI)
[2] Haisen Zhao, Xinglan Guo, Xin Dai, Hassan H. Eldeeb, Yang Zhan, Guorui Xu, and Osama A. Mohammed, “Improved rotor bar shape in high-voltage large-power induction motors to eliminate hotspot and avoid broken bars”, IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications, 2021, 57(5): 4606-4616(SCI)
[3] Haisen Zhao, Hassan H. Eldeeb, Yanli Zhang, Dongdong Zhang, Yang Zhan, Guorui Xu, and Osama A. Mohammed, “An improved core loss model of ferromagnetic materials considering high-frequency and non-sinusoidal supply”, IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications, 2021, 57(1): 417-426 (SCI)
[4] Haisen Zhao, Hassan H. Eldeeb, Jinping Kang, Yang Zhan, Guorui Xu, and Osama A. Mohammed, “Parameter identification based online non-invasive estimation of rotor temperature in induction motors”, IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications, 2021, 57(1): 417-426 (SCI)
[5] Haisen Zhao, Hassan H. Eldeeb, Yang Zhan, Ziyan Ren, Guorui Xu, and Osama A. Mohammed, “Robust electromagnetic design of double-canned IM for submergible rim driven thrusters to reduce losses and vibration”, IEEE Transactions on Energy Conversion, 2020, 35(4): 2045-2055 (SCI)
[6] Haisen Zhao, Chengyang Chu, Hassan H. Eldeeb, Yang Zhan, Guorui Xu, and Osama A. Mohammed, “Optimal design of high-speed solid rotor cage induction motors considering ferromagnetic materials behavior and manufacturing process”, IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications, 2020, 56(4): 4345-4355(SCI)
[7] Zhao Haisen, Wang Yilong, Zhan Yang, Xu Guorui, and Cui Xueshen, “Rapid soft re-switching strategy of intermittent supply for energy saving in beam pumping motors systems with dynamic load conditions”, IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications, 2019, 55(4): 3343-3353. (SCI)
[8] Zhao Haisen, Zhang Dongdong, Wang Yilong, Zhan Yang, Xu Guorui. Piecewise variable parameter loss model of laminated steel and its application in fine analysis of iron loss of inverter-fed induction motors. IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications,2018, 54(1): 832-840. (SCI)
[9] Zhao Haisen, Wang Yilong, Zhan Yang, Xu Guorui, Cui Xueshen, Wang Jing. Practical model for energy consumption analysis of beam pumping motor systems and its energy saving applications. IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications,2018, 54(2): 1006-1016. (SCI)
[10] Zhao Haisen, Wang Yilong, Zhang Dongdong, Zhan Yang, Xu Guorui, Luo Yingli. A piecewise variable parameter model for precise analysis of iron losses in induction motors. IET Electric Power Applications , 2017, 11(3): 361-368 (SCI)